Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I was out in the yard a few weeks ago and met my neighbor that lives behind me for the first time. She is a very nice lady who is I think she said in her late 80's. I will keep her name confidential and call her my nabe. My nabe has suffered several strokes over the last few years and was at one time a HUGE gardener. She has so much stuff in her yard that is just gorgeous! She belongs to our local garden club and still attends the meetings regularly. She has invited me to join and I am very excited about it.

My nabe has offered me any clippings I want out of her yard, SCORE!! She is just the nicest lady ever!! Last week she gave me a 15 ft. Queen Palm Tree, all I had to do was dig it up and throw it over the fence and replant. The Queen Palm is doing great!!

Now to get back on subject, my Nabe has a mini green house in her back yard the buts right up to my backyard. Inside this greenhouse is a bunch of Orchids that carry no names. My Nabe has forgotten the names over time as she has not been able to care for them anymore. She said that she has had these Orchids for many, many years. She was heartbroken that she couldn't care for them anymore and that they were on death row. I told my Nabe, not to fear I am here!! I will bring them back to life for you!! You should have seen the look on her face as it lit up with joy!!

These Orchids are so close to my yard I can touch them, so I do not even have to jump the fence to care for them. I can't just sit back and let them die, so here we go!! I believe that I have taken on a major project here!! I do not know to much about Orchids at all so I am going to need your help on this one. Please feel free to give me your input on caring for all these Orchids. Here are the pictures as of now. I will post regular updates on the progression of these Orchids, so stay tuned!! And wish me luck!!!


Rafael said...

Lucky you! They don't look that bad you'll just have to give them some extra care. Let me know if you need help.

walk2write said...

Whenever we have moved, I've always considered myself blessed because we had an elderly neighbor who liked to garden. Those nabes are the best kind to have because they are usually willing to share their extensive knowledge about plants as well as the plants themselves.